Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why does my order keep getting canceled on Global.Gmarket.Co.Kr ?

I'm trying to buy a coat from

This is it :鈥?/a>

It's the long black one. [it says 搿眫 %26amp; 攵堧灆]

To my knowledge, it doesn't appear to be out of stock.

I was wondering if maybe there is something I'm not doing correctly? I have placed an order 5 times now and every time it has gotten canceled.

I am using Gmarket Cash from Paypal, and I have just about 5,000 won extra, so I can place my order immediately. So far I have yet to receive the post-shipping cost, as I have just placed the order for a 5th time this morning.

Also, I live in the United States. Should I put my city and state in the adress bar, or will they know just by the zip code??

Last thing; I am using my dad's paypal account and almost everything is in his name. Should I put his name in the recipient or sender's name? Should his name be in the address spot? Or does this not matter?

My korean language skills are pretty low; I can read Korean, and I know basic words, but I can't translate many every-day sentences. They e-mail me in Korean every time my order gets cancelled but I cannot figure out what they are trying to tell me. I put it through a google translator and I can't find the reason why it got cancelled.

Please get back to me; I am the only one having a problem and I don't know why.


-- NigelWhy does my order keep getting canceled on Global.Gmarket.Co.Kr ?
Like the jacket! But to the point, it would be easier to see the email they sent you since there is no implication on the website about this case.

And to play it safe put everything down!

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