Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Application for Android!!?

Is there any application on Android that allows you to see the location of a cell-phone by putting just the phone number?

Like this :

Please enter the number : -----------

Click here to find the location : OK

Finding location --- loading 100%

The location has been found! The cell-phone that you are looking for is located in : ------ state ------ ------ ------ city --- ------- ------ zip code ---------

is there any application like these that allows you to see where a phone is located just by putting the phone number?

thanks!Application for Android!!?

Or at least not publicly available. It would be a massive security risk and I'm fairly sure it would be illegal.Application for Android!!?
this is possible if you have the google latitude app. I have mine, but only share my location with a few people. You have to actually share you location with people from profile. You cannot just hop to peoples location on a gps, the app has to be active on your phone and theirs. You can however track where a phone number billing zip code is, but definitely not the exact address.Application for Android!!?
That is illegal and very stalker-ish.

Google would never allow something like that on the android market

There are prank ones that use gps to locate your own phone, but not other peoples
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